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3 Signs Of A Bad Roofing Estimate

You have come to the conclusion that you need to replace your roof. Now you are in the process of interviewing roofing contractors to determine what you should replace your roof with, and who you should hire. Having a few questions for the contractors that you are considering can help you determine who to hire. Also important is to learn the basic roofing terminology. You can learn some of the terminology from the contractors who come to visit your home. One of the most important aspects of determining the right roofing contractor is the estimate. Here are 3 signs of a bad roofing estimate, and what a good one should have.

  1. Price only. If a roofing estimate just has a price, there is no way for you to have an understanding of what is to be done on the roof. A good roofing estimate will have a scope of work along with pricing. As a homeowner, you need a contract to hold the contractor accountable to what will happen on your roof.
  2. Lack of product naming. I see this more often than I thought would be possible. The estimate has a scope of work and is extremely detailed, but when it comes to the actual product to be used, the estimate will say something like “30-year product”, or “Name of product or equivalent”. Every product has a name. Make sure that the name is on the estimate and it is clear that is what you are choosing. A good roofing estimate will have options for grades of materials, maybe even three or four material options, with names.
  3. The contractor’s name is not on the proposal. This one should be a given. What this often means is that a roofer is doing work on the side in between a job for a company they work for. You can count on the fact that they are not license, insured, or bonded. A good roofing estimate should have the company’s name on the proposal and will usually even have their license number for you to look up, and contact information.

Replacing your roof is a major purchase no matter how big or small your roof is. Being prepared for what to expect is a way for you to determine who and what is best suited for your home. Your aim as a homeowner should be to hire the best roofing contractor, and that starts with a good estimate. If you think about it in this way, the estimate is only a promise of a future, and that promise should be in clear language that is easily understood. You may not have time in your life to become a roofing expert, but the estimate will tell you a lot about how the company will perform.

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3 Signs Of A Bad Roofing Estimate

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